Our Brains Hurt
Our Brains Hurt
Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse
On this episode of OBH we get weird again with the great and powerful Oz! We talk apocalypse. We go over all the different apocalyptic theories. Whats your favorite? Come hang out!
Show links:
Our Brains Hurt Website: https://www.ourbrainshurt.com/
Our Brains Hurt on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurBrainsHurt
Ron on Twitter @thecaffeinepunk: https://twitter.com/TheCaffeinePunk
Matt on Twitter @MattAlive13: https://twitter.com/MattAlive13
Punk Rock Joe: https://punkrockjoe.com
Punk Box Website: https://punkboxrox.com/
Punk Box Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/punkboxrox
Punk Box Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/punkboxrox/
MerchSlut links:
MerchSlut Store: https://merchslut.com/
MerchSlut Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MerchSlut-103064031228978