Our Brains Hurt
Our Brains Hurt is your very own punk rock audio green room! Come hang out while we discuss shows, tours, records, and whatever else may come up with a new guest each week.
Our Brains Hurt
Blag, The Dwarves
Ron and Matt
Season 1
Episode 23
On this episode we talk to Blag Dahlia of The Dwarves! Blag talks about his solo album currently in the works, his three favorite Dwarves albums, and how HeWhoCannotBeNamed impressed some A&R reps in New York. Give it a listen and then visit thedwarves.com and get some merch!
Dwarves Links:
The Dwarves Website and Merch: http://www.thedwarves.com/
The Dwarves on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDwarves
Bitches and Hos Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AnfAoTsIzI
Podcast Links:
OBH Website and Merch: https://www.ourbrainshurt.com/
Follow Ron on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RonSacc
OBH Facebook
Punk Rock Joe Coffee: https://punkrockjoe.com